Play it by ear

.. just stop and listen.

A comic hero talk

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I have no idea why,  after months of absence, I am choosing to post this.  No earth-shattering news, no profound insights to share here.  But well….


Midway into the Spiderman reboot movie, starring Andrew Garfield and my new favorite girl, Emma Stone,  I lean towards Mr.C and asked, “So is his character consistent with the Spiderman character?”.  He gave me a very helpful nod and continued ignoring me as we watch Peter Parker enjoying his newfound abilities.

“So which one is better? Who was the better Spidey/Peter? I think Andrew is much much cuter than Tobey, though.”Was Spiderman really like that? Kindy goofy guy.  Nerdy too. …Oh so he studies at a Science School?  How come I didn’t know that?… oh yeah, he became a reporter nga pala..I remember Jonah Jameson… So where did Gwen enter into the picture? I only know Mary Jane.. Weird that they made another version of this movie franchise.  I guess it is about the money eh? What do you think?”

Finally– —

“Isn’t Spiderman a Marvel character? How come he isn’t part of the Avengers?”

On and on I ask.  I must say that Mr. C knows his Marvel comic heroes.  He is a fan and a collector of Marvel comics.  That just seals his geekyness.  My own version of Dr. Sheldon Cooper.  😀

In my defense, I only asked him a few questions while watching the movie.   Again in my defense, I watched the Tobey Mcguire version.. Well, uh the first installment at least  I don’t know, bottom-line, I am not a Spiderman fan but I am familiar with him. I like him but not really that interested.  I try to figure out why..

Meanwhile, he tells me that — yes the character is kinda playful. So the movie is consistent.  Marvel comics sometimes sort of reboots its story/plot  too.  So he is kinda cool with a new version.  He was just happy to watch Spiderman again.  Gwen is another love interest in the comic reboot. Spiderman is the famous character  (vs the rest of the Marvel heroes) and maybe even the first ( or one of the first that Stan Lee created). There was even a Spiderman and the Avengers story/plot in the comic book version so who knows, there might be a movie version of that.  But maybe not.  Stan Lee, the creator always has a cameo in the movie.  (yes he made sure I catch that scene where Stan Lee is shown).  etc etc.

Then.. —  cue the lighbulb!!!

I grew up watching DC cartoons on tv!!  Superfriends.  Justice League.  I am a superman fan. For a while i even watched Lois and Clark on tv but grew tired of it.   i remember watching Christopher Reeve and Margot Kidder soar together while Maureen McGovern’s song played— Can you read my mind? Never mind that I never fully understood the story then. I liked the music.  The musical scoring of Superman was unforgettable.

My brothers even bought an LP  (long playing) album of the Superman soundtrack which made me more interested to watch the movie.  Next to the Star Wars trilogy (Ep4-6), the superman trilogy is part of my brothers’ movie collections.  Third on the list would have to be Back to the Future movies.  All of them we really loved and watch to this day when i get together with my siblings.

Ok so i am digressing here and giving away too much information on what decade i started to exist. 😀

And I guess to me, Superman was THE ultimate hero.  He is an alien.  His powers were innate.  His powers were not derived from some radioactive freak accident.  I found his backstory fascinating.  I told Mr C that and he says,

Well, the Marvel heroes are making movies, he tells me. They are more popular and they make money.

To which i vehemently said:  Hey the Dark Knight is DC! He is making money!

What i didn’t say was that I watched a Superman movie a few years back where Brandon Routh played the character and Kate Bosworth was Lois Lane… and well, i didn’t like it that much to be honest.  But I didn’t tell my husband that!  Though now I hear that Man of Steel is in the works.  Yey!

So there, I first met Spidey, Batman, Robin, Superman, Wonder woman, etc in cartoons.  While kids of today get to meet them on the big screen and in 3D!!

Author: Regina

Born, raised and based in the Philippines.

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